
Social Welfare

Mowelfund’s Social Welfare Program provides well deserved
assistance to its members. It aims to help the marginalized
and underserved movie workers. These are comprised of
stuntmen, make-up artists, cameramen, propsmen, and
the likes who work on a per project/picture basis and have
no private insurance.

For more than 45 years, Mowelfund has extended medical
aid to over 5,000 beneficiaries and death aid to more than
900 beneficiaries.

Mowelfund’s Social Welfare Program provides well deserved assistance to its members. It aims to help the marginalized and underserved movie workers. These are comprised of stuntmen, make-up artists, cameramen, propsmen, and the likes who work on a per project/picture basis and have no private insurance.

For more than 45 years, Mowelfund has extended medical aid to over 5,000 beneficiaries and death aid to more than 900 beneficiaries.

Claim and

Providing financial assistance to members to support and improve quality of health care.

Providing financial assistance to members to
support and improve quality of health care.

Medical Health Benefits

1. Medical Aid
Mowefund will grant financial assistance per confinement of the member. Maximum of three confinements in a year.

2. Surgical Aid
A financial assistance will be granted to members who have undergone a major surgical procedure, both invasive or non-invasive.

3. Continuing Medication
Medicine costs will be granted to members whose medical condition demands a continuing medication. Maximum reimbursement once a year.

4. Annual Free Clinic Day
A Free Clinic Day is conducted on its anniversary every March to provide beneficiaries and their families with free medical and dental services. Games are also present for children on site.

Death Aid

Financial aid payable to the dependaents of the beneficiaries or directly to the attending funeral parlor.

Housing Program

The Mowelfund Housing Project, located in Barangay Gaya-Gaya, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, is a tie up with the National Housing Authority (NHA) and the San Jose del Monte City local government.

Currently, there are sixteen members who have successfully qualified to avail of the housing project after a series screenings and evaluation to meet the prescribed requirements.

Note: Amount of financial aid depends on the type of membership you apply for.